The Climate

Idumuje Ugboko seats atop of the highest peak in Delta state, which is about 1000 feet above sea level, unlike her neighbors, for instance, Asaba is about 20ft above sea level, while Ndokwa east and west are 10ft below sea level. The beautiful weather of Idumuje is better experienced than explained by third party stories or pictures.

This unique village has a popular name in the locality; they call it “The forest that bellows smoke without fire” This is because the early hours of the morning and late at night(all year round) dews envelops the whole village, thus everywhere in the village is green from January to December.

Idumuje is blessed with wonderful weather, Comparable only to Obudu Ranch in Cross River state of Nigeria, except of course Obudu is a bit higher. Ugboko is always cool, with a unique climate that has enabled a successful experiment of planting those plants and crops that wouldn’t normally be associated with this part of the world e.g. Figs, Apples, Apricots, Olives, Grapes and varieties of foreign oranges, in addition to the usual tropical fruits normally grown here, e.g. banana, oranges and mangoes, Ugboko has huge orchards of all those in addition to those exotic plants.

Idumuje Ugboko enjoys its fair share of rain and friendly sun. The climate is just right all year.

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